Shabbat Gathering via Zoom – July 31, 2020

On the last Friday in July, Shabbat was welcomed in with a deep and rich Jewish tradition of storytelling on Zoom lead, once again, by JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator, Hagit.  The story Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller was featured.  The residents were delighted in the recognition that they have been living this story as they work together to make the world a better place by being kind to each other every day. 

A video on Jewish Foods lead to a discussion of how the traditional Israeli salad is made from finely chopped diced tomato, onion, cucumber, bell pepper and tossed with olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Another delicious traditional Jewish stew, Cholent, is eaten during Shabbat for lunch.  The Jewish holidays are responsible for much of the cuisine we continue to experience today.  The Israeli tradition of Sufganiots (jelly doughnuts) are enjoyed during Hanukkah.  Of course, all this talk of traditional foods made everyone appreciate that Shabbat dinner was imminent.

The Shabbat Zoom ended with everyone singing together Hinei Ma Tov, traditionally sung at Sabbath feasts.