Shabbat Gathering via Zoom – Friday, November 6, 2020

Shabbat Gathering via Zoom – Friday, November 6, 2020

Judaic Coordinator, Hagit, welcomed Shabbat this week by introducing JSDD residents who delivered the prayers. Rachel recited the blessing over the candles, Aaron made Kiddush (blessing over grape juice/wine) and Kevin blessed the challah.

Hagit’s lesson this week was learning about Mitzvot, Jewish rules or commandments covering a range of aspects of Jewish life.  The word “mitzvah” means commandment.  Hagit shared that it is a mitzvah to rest on Shabbat.  Several participants identified the mitzvot in which they engage by assisting their friends and housemates with chores and daily activities.

Vibrant pictures of Israel were presented, and many expressed their interest to visit Israel.

Shabbat songs brought a peaceful end to the weekly gathering.  Wishes were extended for a meaningful and restful Sabbath, Shabbat Shalom!