Shabbat Observed – Friday, November 13, 2020

Shabbat has become a reminder, at JSDD, of the purposefulness of the world and the role and responsibility each one of us plays through acts of kindness and meaningful relationships.  JSDD residents and guests have become accustom to welcoming the Sabbath weekly under the guidance of Hagit Oren, Judaic Coordinator.   

It began this week as it always does, with the lighting of the candles by Rachel and was followed by Mark who blessed the wine/grape juice and said the Hamotzi over the challah.

Hagit asked about the best part of their week and many answered how they look forward to the WAE to Connect virtual learning classes.  Another person said he felt fortunate to be with friends at the day program he attends.

Songs elevate us into Shabbat and Hagit lead the singing of traditional melodies that made everyone feel connected to the people around them. 

Shabbat Shalom!