Zoom Shabbat – Friday, November 27, 2020

Welcome to JSDD’s Zoom group Shabbat celebration!  This experience has become a social, at-home Sabbath experience that is enhanced each week by our very own Judaic Coordinator, Hagit Oren. 

Rachel, happily, began Shabbat with lighting the candles and reciting the blessing.  Next, Mark was proud to be asked to bless the grape juice/wine for the Kiddush. All the participants together made the Hamotzi blessing over the challah, which is a very popular ritual of Shabbat for our residents.

Hagit has created a custom each week to ask the question “What did you enjoy the most about your past week?”  Kevin jumped right in responding he appreciated being with his family for Thanksgiving and that prompted another resident to say she had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday with her Group Home family. 

Shabbat songs awakens a part of ourselves and makes us feel connected to the people with whom we are celebrating and enhances the weekly gathering.

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Image