Zoom Shabbat Celebration – Friday, December 4, 2020

Zoom Shabbat Celebration – Friday, December 4, 2020

It is customary to exchange special greetings on Sabbath such as “Shabbat Shalom” which means “Have a peaceful Sabbath.” JSDD’s residents and friends who gather via Zoom this week were eager to express their welcome and see their friend’s cheerful faces.

The lighting of candles ushers in Shabbat, and Rachel was asked to perform this tradition.  It is Jewish custom to light at least two candles, representing the two passages in the Torah which command us to keep Shabbat. Stacy recited the brachah (blessing) over wine/grape juice with the Hebrew words “…borei p’re hagafen,” which refers to the “fruit of the vine”.  The group together then made the HaMotzi,(blessing) over the challah.

Hagit’s focus was on the upcoming Hanukkah holiday.  She asked what gifts they would like to receive this year.  As a group they all wished for the virus to be gone so life can resume fully. Amen!

Shabbat Shalom!