Shabbat Celebration via Zoom – Friday, January 22, 2021

Shabbat Celebration via Zoom – Friday, January 22, 2021

JSDD residents continue to be hungry for the connection with friends during the weekly spiritual and moving zoom Sabbath experience with Hagit.  Engaging in Shabbat rituals is comforting and lifts their spirts. 

The regular Friday night tradition to welcome Shabbat began, as always, with the blessing over the candles and Yael had the privilege this week.  The Kiddush was given by Kevin and the entire group came together blessing the bread and reciting the HaMotzi.

Hagit taught the Parashat of the week “Bo”.  G-d brings the final three plagues on the Egyptians; the Israelites leave Egypt and receive the commandment to observe Passover.  Hagit said this lets you know that G-d is always there for us even if we cannot see him.  She also taught about the upcoming festival of Tu B’Shevat – the “New Year of the Trees” or Jewish Arbor Day.  In Israel trees are planted in honor or memory of a loved one.  Fruits and nuts are eaten during the festival Tu B’Shevat because they grow on trees.  One of the participants intended to add fruits and nuts to this week’s grocery list.

Songs were joyfully sung bringing the gathering to a festive close and everyone wished each other “Good Sabbath.”