Shabbat Celebration via Zoom – Friday, June 4, 2021

JSDD residents and guest welcomed Shabbat by happily greeting each other with irresistible smiles saying, “Shabbat Shalom!”   The Shabbat celebration starts with blessings over the candles, wine/grape juice, and challah.  The honor this week went to the Stacy who gracefully recited the blessing over the candles and continued with the Kiddush for the wine/grape juice and ended with the Hamotzi for the challah.

Hagit Oren, Judaic Coordinator, lead the group in a discussion of the Torah portion of the week called Shelach Lecha, which is the story of how Moses sent twelve spies to the land of Canaan to see what the land and its people were like.  The travelers returned 40 days later to report on the lush and beautifully bountiful land and said it is the land “flowing with milk and honey”. 

Residents told stories about their perfect Memorial Day barbeques and the amazing burgers everyone enjoyed.   Hagit reminded the group Memorial Day is a secular holiday to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. 

Shabbat ended with singing festive songs.

Shabbat Shalom