NJMS Collaborative Art Exhibit 2021 and Artists Reception

Eleven years into a collaboration, hosted and cultivated by the New Jersey Medical School, JSDD’s WAE Center and Matheny Arts Access are bringing the work of their artists into the summer light with NJMS Collaborative Art Exhibit 2021.

2021 still finds us in a world of “remote” exhibits, openings and artist talks and so we see this as an opportunity.  An opportunity to bring more people to the table and hear from more artists. Moreover, the virtual nature of this year’s exhibit allows greater access for artists, families, friends, and art lovers to attend the “Virtual Artists Reception” via Zoom.

Artists Reception: August 16, 6pm, via Zoom

Artists will gather virtually and speak about their work and its impact on their lives.

RSVP here: https://waegallery.org/events/njms-collaborative-arts-exhibit-2021/

“We are thrilled to once again partner with Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and JSDD’s WAE Center on this artistic venture,” said Eileen Murray, Director of the Arts Access Program. “The work on the virtual exhibition,” she added, “is of the highest quality and a reflection of the artists’ talent and perseverance. Nothing has stopped them in this unprecedented time. They have continued to create with the passion they always have. I’m so grateful to Rutgers NJMS for giving them this platform to shine.”

The opportunity “to hang artwork alongside Matheny Arts Access,” said Monica Schneider-Brewer, WAE Center Director of Arts Marketing, and Communications, “has become a joyful summertime ritual. These two organizations bring the work of adults with developmental disabilities to the students, staff, and faculty of NJMS and watch the work fill the space. Even in this virtual format, art can inspire and propel ideas, crush assumptions as well as open hearts and minds.”










The exhibit runs until August 31. It features the work of 29 artists who extend themselves to grow their abilities and are a testament to the talents that are often hidden. 

JSDD’s WAE Center as well as Matheny Arts Access exist to facilitate, cultivate, and expose those talents to the world. The artistic process is an undeniable source of empowerment for people with disabilities.

Please enter the exhibit and enjoy the work as a way of supporting these remarkable artists.

NJMS exhibit sponsors and participating agencies