Zoom Shabbat- Friday, November 19, 2021

We welcomed the Sabbath together by covering our eyes and saying the blessing over the candles. Mark recited the Kiddusha, the blessing over the fruit of the vine. Todd performed the Hamotzi¸ the blessing over the Challah.

There was a lot to catch up on this week. Stacy N. shared that she is so excited to be flying to Florida for Thanksgiving. Todd had an exciting expedition this week when the rabbi from Chabad took him to see the oldest synagogue in Newark. Todd shared how much he enjoyed seeing the historic building as well as his time with the Rabbi. Toda (thank you!) Rabbi for a very special day. Stacy C. talked about how much she loves her job at the mall and is looking forward to Black Friday, the busiest day of the year.

The Torah portion this week, Vayishlach which translates to “And He Sent” meaning that G-d sent Jacob home. Jacob was not sure how his brother Esau would receive him after all these years, so he sends messengers ahead and sees that 400 soldiers are heading towards him. Although G-d has promised to protect Jacob, he is nervous and splits his caravan into two camps. He also prepares gifts for Esau. While Jacob sleeps, he is blessed by an angel who renames him Israel. When the brothers meet face to face, Esau appears happy to see his brother. Rachel and Jacob have another child, Benjamin.  

The evening concluded with songs in both Hebrew and English.

We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, a Happy Shabbat and Shabbat Shalom!