Shabbat – March 18th, 2022


Everyone was so happy to be together to welcome Shabbat after taking a week off. The group sang songs celebrating Purim in both Hebrew and English. Hannah sang the blessings over the candles, then Kevin and Aaron joined together to recite the blessings of the grape juice and the challah.


While learning about Purim, Hannah shared her favorite costume is a princess. The group also discussed the next holiday that is quickly approaching, Passover! Kevin is excited because he loves Matzoh Ball Soup!


Tzav or “command” in Hebrew, the torah portion this week describes the different laws of sacrifices. It teaches that there should be a difference between offerings for sin, a burnt offering and an offering to pay homage. G-d informs the priests to make an offering ordaining them to their positions.


After learning about the torah portion, the topic burnt offering was discussed further. The group talked about how each person has an internal flame inside that lights a passion for life. The group agreed that online Shabbat celebrations, spending time with our friends, housemates, exploring new talents in day programs, like the WAE Center truly helps everyone Find the Spark Within.