JSDD Residents Go to Israel

JSDD’s residents and three staff members have returned home from a once in a lifetime trip to Israel. This trip, the Centennial Mission of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest was ambitious and unparalleled.

Each day was a new adventure with so much to see and learn. Travelling on the bus was a chance to create new friendships with many in the MetroWest Community. This visit to Israel was a first for each of the staff members.  Jen Fay, JSDD’s Director of Nursing said, “I enjoyed floating in the Dead Sea, exploring the Old City of Jerusalem, touching the Western Wall, sailing on the Kinneret, and learning more about the Holocaust. If I had to pick one aspect of the mission most special to me, it would be bonding with the JSDD and JESPY House residents that were along on this adventure.” Michelle Johnson, a JSDD Manager said, “Being in the heart of the desert in Masada Park overlooking the dead sea and the Judean Desert was breathtaking.”

Resident Rachel P. and Tiffeny Rivers, a JSDD Manager, both loved floating in the Dead Sea. While, Livingston resident Yael, was grateful to spend time with her brother and his family on this return to Israel. She also loved being able to try McDonald’s because it is kosher in Israel! Even better than McDonald’s was a treat that everyone agreed was a “foodie” highlight of the trip: the breakfast buffets ladened with fruits, spreads, and vegetables.  Everyone loved trying new foods, like falafel and chicken shawarma.

All JSDD trip participants feel grateful for the unique experiences and for the chance to learn more about our community’s connection in Israel. Jen Fay, “was unaware of all the ongoing philanthropy that the Federation continues to do in support Jewish individuals throughout Israel.  I was impressed and proud of the partnership and the work they do all year round.”