2024 JSDD Legacy Cocktail Reception & Annual Meeting

JSDD was delighted for donor’s generous support and presence at our recent Goodman Perwien Legacy Society (GPLS) Cocktail Reception and Annual Meeting.

The GPLS Reception, held on June 5th, was a resounding success. We were able to bring together a vibrant community of supporters in a celebration of our shared achievements and future aspirations. The evening was filled with meaningful conversations, inspiring stories, and a renewed sense of commitment to our cause.

The Annual Meeting, held on June 5th was equally impactful, featuring a lineup of dynamic speakers who captivated and inspired us all.

Highlights from the meeting include:

  • A beautiful D’var Torah was delivered by Mimi Sochor, JSDD Board of Trustee which provided spiritual insights and set a reflective tone for the Annual Meeting.
  • Engaging speech and presentation by Ellen Goldner, JSDD Board of Trustee reflecting on the impact of the Israel war on her Israeli family.
  • A heartfelt speech by our major donors, Beth and Freddie Kotek, who shared what JSDD means to them and how it has impacted their lives.
  • Inspiring speeches by our President, Larry Rein and our Executive Director, Linda Press who outlined our achievements, future goals, and the crucial role our supporters play in our success.

JSDD looks forward to continuing partnership with our donors as we work together to achieve even greater heights.

2024 Goodman Perwien Legacy Society Cocktail Reception and 2024 Annual Meeting