“Friends and Family” Holiday Art Sale


“Friends and Family” Holiday Art Sale
50% discount on selected items

Contact Art Studio Manager Harry Klein, 973-272-7156; harry@waecenter.org to arrange a viewing of the artwork being offered.

Jacqueline Halgren was thrilled at the announcement last week of the WAE Center’s very first “Friends and Family” Holiday Art Sale. This opportunity has made her the proud owner of an original Steven W. painting that she has admired since she first came for an interview in 2007.

“I was totally captivated by that painting as I filled out my application,” said Jacqueline, a fine artist herself. “That was before I had even met Steven and learned that he paints from a wheelchair and has limited use of his hands. Steven and I have become good friends over the years. He and his inspired artwork hold a special place in my heart. When I told him about the purchase, he gave me one of his radiant smiles.”

As to where she will display her treasure, Jacqueline is still weighing whether it will hang in her bedroom or her living room, where she would love eventually to create a wall of WAE Center artwork to surround this special painting.

The “Friends and Family” Holiday Art Sale is open to all who consider themselves friends of JSDD’s WAE Center. Individuals who are interested in buying a piece of original art work by a WAE Center artist may contact Art Studio Manager Harry Klein, 973-272-7156; harry@waecenter.org to arrange a viewing of the items being offered at a 50% discount