Getting to Know…Susan Nasberg-Abrams


Susan Nasberg-Abrams


JSDD: Life | Home | Tech Project Coordinator

How long have you been with JSDD?

Six Months!

Was this the position you started in?


What is your first memory of JSDD?

At my previous job, Monica and Kai came to install an Exhibit of WAE Center artwork in honor of JDAIM. I learned about the Organization then. I took Monica’s card because I knew I would love to stay connected and work for JSDD one day. Then when I came for my interview six months later, I loved that the building was so bright and full of beautiful, creative art.

What has most surprised you about working with JSDD?

The joy that everyone has here. I never thought that at of place of business, I would hear laughter and see smiles all day long.

What are 3 words to describe JSDD?

Important, Impressive, Kind, Supportive- that is 4!

What do you find most challenging?

There are a lot of steps and a lot of moving pieces in Life | Home | Tech. I want to make sure I am completing the deliverables for the grant but also making sure that I am doing the best I can for each resident.

What do you wish other people knew about JSDD?

I wish more people knew about JSDD. Amazing work happens here, thanks to the wonderfully dedicated staff. There are also incredible people who receive services through JSDD – the members and residents, as well as their families.

When your friends/ family find out that you work at JSDD what do they say or ask?

They say it sounds like an incredible place and it sounds like a perfect job for me.

Tell me about someone who has influenced you while working with JSDD?

Randee Lesser encourages me to trust myself and have confidence in the work I am doing. She is always so positive and supportive to everyone around her. I know I’m not the only one to feel that way!

What part of your job are you most excited about?

The successes. After all the hard work and the challenges, seeing how proud a resident feels when they are using a piece of technology to do something that they couldn’t do before makes it all worth it.

What have you learned about enabling technology?

People with disabilities and seniors are often left out of the conversation when it comes to technology, but there are so many everyday products that could make a difference in their lives. Some of these devices, like Ring doorbells, Echo Shows and iPads are not very expensive, and are not difficult to set up, but they could boost independence and accessibility for many people.

What is on your wish list for the next 5 years with JSDD?

That LHT would expand to help every member, resident and the greater community. I hope that it can help many more people reach their goals of greater independence./p>

What would you tell someone who is thinking about working with JSDD?

Go for it!

Before working at JSDD what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

When I was younger, I worked at ABC doing ratings research where I made recommendations for their primetime schedule. I got to see pilots and meet a lot of fun celebrities.

What is your favorite thing for Lunch?

Leftovers. I love when I can make one meal and then it becomes two, without any extra work!

What is something about you that is not on your resume?

I am a big fan of gardening, especially growing vegetables. On a beautiful spring day, I could spend hours digging in the dirt, trimming plants, and even weeding. I love eating what I grew – fresh tomatoes that have been warmed by the sun are the best.