Major Gifts Circle

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We are deeply grateful to the generous individuals, families, and foundations whose outstanding support strengthens our mission and impacts the lives of those we serve.

The Major Gifts Circle recognized donors whose extraordinary contributions demonstrate a profound commitment to our work. Their generosity enables us to expand our programs, enhance services, and create meaningful opportunities for growth, inclusion, and community.


The Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation

Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family Foundation

Ellen and Alan Goldner

Laurie Goodman and Mark Perwien

Pearl and Dr. Stanley Goodman

Lori and Steven Klinghoffer

Eta and Mark Levenson

Jonathan Mann

Maxine Murnick

Linda and Marc Press

Beth Rose and Dr. David Greenwald

Lois Rose

Linda Schlenger

Lori and Jerry Solomon

Rosemary and Robert Steinbaum

Stupell Foundation

Town Fair Tire Foundation

Toyota Subaru of Morristown

Bruce Tucker

Evan Ratner

Randi and Jay Weissglass

Lois and Donald Witmondt

Debbie and Jonathan Woloshin

Edward Zinbarg



Supports 10 WAE members with one month of traditional or digital art studio experiences
Provide residents of one home with technology towards greater independence

2 Tickets to the JSDD Annual Gala and a Full Page in the Ad Journal
Recognition on our Major Gifts Circle webpage


Provide enrichment field trips for WAE members
Update and replace furnishings in one home

2 Tickets to the JSDD Annual Gala and a Full Page in the Ad Journal
Recognition on our Major Gifts Circle webpage
Brick paver on walkway of 310 Eisenhower Pkwy


Provide transportation services for 4 WAE members for 6 months
Renovate a bathroom or kitchen in one home

2 Tickets to the JSDD Annual Gala and a Full Page in the Ad Journal
Recognition on our Major Gifts Circle webpage
Brick paver on walkway of 310 Eisenhower Pkwy
Use of Gallery for an evening or on a weekend for an event at no fee

BUILDER – $50,000/YEAR

Purchase a new vehicle for WAE Center or Residential program

2 Tickets to the JSDD Annual Gala and a Full Page in the Ad Journal
Recognition on our Major Gifts Circle webpage
Brick paver on walkway of 310 Eisenhower Pkwy
Use of Gallery for an evening or on a weekend for an event at no fee
WAE Center Enrichment Program naming opportunity


Provide full tuition for one WAE member for one year
Purchase a new handicap accessible vehicle with a lift

2 Tickets to the JSDD Annual Gala and a Full Page in the Ad Journal
Recognition on our Major Gifts Circle webpage
Brick paver on walkway of 310 Eisenhower Pkwy
Use of Gallery for an evening or on a weekend for an event at no fee
WAE Center Enrichment Program naming opportunity
Naming Opportunity for a Space in JSDD Administrative Office

Your generosity truly makes a difference

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