Heidi Gallery Celebrates The WAE Open

The advisory committee of Heidi Gallery has been meeting since May of 2022. Their work has been focused on developing the first juried open exhibit held in this stunning new space.  Expanding upon the idea of displaying the artwork of artist members of JSDD’s WAE Center, the gallery’s goal is to cultivate a creative space for exhibits, education, collaboration, and performance to co-exist in a fully inclusive environment. The WAE Open welcomed over 200 people to the reception on October 20th. Committee Chair Teddi Dolph and Juror, Diedre Harris-Kelley welcomed and addressed the crowd.  Most all of the 33 artists who were accepted into the exhibition were present to share their work with the public.

True to its stated mission the gallery’s next event is being held on Sunday, December 4th from 2-4pm, Local poet and founder of The Write Space in Orange, NJ, Marcia LeBeau will moderate an afternoon of Ekphrastic poems. This form of poetry is written in response to a piece of visual art. Joining Marcia are six other local poets: Theresa Burns, Jung Hae Chae, Lebra Chase, Mary Moloney, Carole Stone and Tamara Zbrizher. These poets will read their works based on the dynamic art they have selected.

The final event of this inaugural exhibit is an Artist Tour on December 11th from 2-4pm. Guests are invited to come hear the artists discuss the artwork that was selected for the WAE Open and their process.  Hosted by the Gallery Advisory Committee: Teddi Dolph, Heidi Katz, Jeremy Moss, Phoebe Pollinger, Marilynn Schneider, Adam Swart and Ellen Weinstock the artist tour will be the first of many opportunities for artists to collaborate in the Heidi Gallery at JSDD.