Community Connections GMW

Juried Exhibition

Community Connections –
Celebrating Federation’s 100 Years

Exhibit Open, March 14 – April 14, 2024

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest is marking 100 years of building and caring for our vibrant and diverse Jewish community.

Community artists have submitted creative works on the theme of Community Connections that encourage, challenge, educate, and expand perspectives.

These bold and authentic pieces of visual art share stories and traditions inspired by our community today and in the future. We have featured local and Israeli artists, those with and without disabilities, representing high school students and adults.

Please join us to experience this powerful and meaningful exhibit at
Heidi Gallery, 310 Eisenhower Pkwy, Livingston, NJ.

Community Connection - A Juried Art Exhibit

Participating Artists

Susan Adler, Rachel Fawn Alban, Gary Berson, Hope Blecher, Sarah Brenneman, Ali Brief, Anne Burg, Jessica Cavaliere, Lisa Cerny, Ivie Drogin, Noa Elran, Karen Engelmeyer, Amanda Esteves, Rebecca Gartman, Beth Heit, Miriam Jacobs, Yael Klein, Tatyana Kazakova, Randy Keenan, Mara Kimowitz, Ksenija Lea Tiferet Kostic Pecaric, Rachel Laufer, Joyce Levy, Lori Loebelsohn, Mark Lubinsky, Monica Mangan, Bella Manoim, Jennifer Anne Moses, Sophia Nehmer, Paulina Olivares, Doron Orgil, Katharine Philip, Jennifer Dann Phillips, Jamie Plissner, Jennifer Radin, Jenny Reinhardt, Erica Resnick, Shana Rubin, Alexis Rubinstein, Kari Smith, Margie Samuels, Janet Scharfstein, Michelle Schneider, Andrew Schwartz, Cary Silverman, Judy Reisen Skillman, Jennifer Skopp, Jeff Sternstein, Shari-Beth Susskind, Peter Syak, Isabell Villacis, Jon Weiman

Gallery Hours

Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Extended Hours (open until 9pm)
– Thursday, March 28th
– Monday, April 8th
– Wednesday, April 10th

Art Workshop

Sunday, March 24, 2-4pm

Led by Art Educator, Faye Graye

Imagine A Place…

The inspiration for this workshop is a trip that I took to Israel. The colors and shapes of ancient buildings, clustered in small towns made it clear to me, how far apart from each other we can become in our modern communities. The homes I saw were close together and each had a small garden. People could easily walk to a friend, relative or neighbor. I saw how the environment plays a big part in how we find one another. In this collage workshop I am inviting you to create your own environment which embraces community. Using a rainbow of colored card stock, you will cut out the shapes of the buildings, backgrounds, and other environmental elements. This collage can represent somewhere you have seen, or a place you have only dreamt of. There will be examples of community environments from other cultures to help inspire you. How would you design a home, a village or a community which provides comfort and connection?

Closing Reception

Sunday, April 14th, 12 to 3 p.m.


Jacie Civins
Jared Green
Rachel Klinghoffer Marcus
Ann Schaffer
Marilynn Schneider

For more information, contact Rebecca Wanatick,, (973) 929-3129.


Carrie Nussbaum
Ann Schaffer


Arlene Brafman, Jacie Civins, Jessica Gantman, Jared Green, Lora Hersh, Ann Leeb, Merle Lomrantz, Rachel Klinghoffer Marcus, Alexis Rubinstein, Marilynn Schneider, Rachel G. Wilf, Rita Yohalem

Centennial Event Sponsors

Iris Family in honor of Milly z”l & Herb z”l Iris
Judy Targan

Centennial Diamond Sponsors ($100,000+)

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ
Sally Gottesman in honor of her parents Paula & Jerry z”l Gottesman
Mandelbaum and Goldberg Family
UJA Benefit Concert Supporting Foundation of JCF
Wilf Family Foundations

Centennial Leadership

Jane Wilf, Chair, Centennial
Terri Friedman, Maxine Schwartz, Vice Chairs, Local Community Engagement

Federation and Foundation Leadership

Michael Goldberg, President, Federation
Steven D. Levy, President, Foundation

Submit a Proposal

Proposals for exhibitions are always welcome. Please limit your proposal to two pages.

Get In Touch

If you want to get involved with any of our services, feel free to contact us and
we will reach out to help you in any way we can.


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