Passing the Baton

Big Changes – Passing the Baton to Harry Klein, Acting Director

Thursday March 3rd, the WAE Center gathered to bid farewell to Aubrie George in her role as Director. Aubrie is taking a step back from the directorship and will remain connected to the WAE Center, both professionally and personally. Members, staff, and families gathered in the WAE Center tradition of presenting work, thoughts, and words about Aubrie and her 8-year tenure with the WAE.

Stepping into the void, is Harry Klein who is the Acting Director, WAE Center. Harry began his work at the WAE Center ten years ago as the Art Studio Manager. He has become fully versed in the philosophy and methodologies that help each member to achieve what their heart desires. Most recently Harry was the Senior Manager of Program and Personnel Development, where his focus was on enriching the program elements in the trying times of Covid-19. He is equally passionate about bringing high quality staff onboard and supporting them in all ways necessary in “Finding the Spark Within” each person engaged in this program.

This creative community is fortunate to have such committed professionals looking to grow and support what continues to be a diverse and ever-changing program.