Shabbat Celebration – Friday, October 30, 2020


As Judaism’s most distinctive tradition, we observe the beginning of Shabbat before sundown each Friday through the completion of nightfall on Saturday.  On Friday, October 30th, as has become the tradition during the pandemic, the Sabbath was ushered in for JSDD residents via Zoom with the lighting of the candles, reciting the Kiddush (wine/grape juice) and the Ha Motzi (challah). 

Judaic Coordinator, Hagit, asked, “how do you observe Shabbat?” Responses ranged from expressions of appreciation for spending time with loved ones to attending religious services via Zoom.  By far, however, gathering around the table for meals was the number one answer.  The participants all agreed that they look forward to the challah most of all. 

This week, the group learned to recite the prayer, “Shema Yisrael” (Hear O Israel).  Hagit explained the Shema is a Jewish prayer and is also the first two words of a section of the Torah.  It is the title of a prayer that serves as a centerpiece of morning and evening Jewish prayer service. 

The celebration wrapped up singing inspiring songs with wonderful wishes of Shabbat Shalom!