Shabbat – Friday, March 25th, 2022

Shabbat celebrations began this week with songs in both Hebrew and English. When it was time for the prayers, Alicia said the blessings over the candles followed by Mark chanting the blessings over the grape juice and the challah.

The group learned about the torah portion “Sh’mini”. The portion begins with offerings to G-d. This portion goes on to explain the rules for being kosher. During the portion, two of Aaron’s sons die. The group talk about and how devastated Aaron was after their passing. He was so shocked; he was not able to speak. The group discussed that it is ok to have space for silence and that there is a lot that can be learned by staying quiet and observing the world around you.

Everyone is looking forward to Passover. Alicia let everyone know she is excited to fly to visit her family. Hannah said her favorite thing about the holiday is Matzoh Ball Soup and everyone agreed! Stacy C. had sad news to share, her grandmother passed away. Everyone expressed their condolences to Stacy and her family.