Shabbat Observances – Friday, February 12, 2021

It should come as no surprise that the tradition of observing Shabbat allows many facets to celebrate life.   It is a constant reminder being Jewish you are continually learning and growing spiritually.  JSDD continued weekly learning sessions via Zoom with Hagit Oren, Judaic Coordinator.

The welcoming of the Sabbath began this week with the lighting of the candles by Rachel and Stacy, followed by Daniel who recited the Kiddush – blessing over grape juice/wine and the Hamotzi – blessing for the bread.

Hagit and the group chanted the song “May It Be” in Hebrew which inspired many of the participants to express their wish for world peace.  The weekly learning continued with a discussion about the upcoming joyous holiday of Purim that begins February 25th at sunset.  Stories were shared of the delightful memories of dressing up in costume to participate in a Purim parade and eating hamantaschen a triangular filled pocket cookie eaten during Purim.

Hagit taught the participants the Mi Shebeirach the Jewish prayer of healing.  She explained it is kind to say this blessing for those you know who are sick.

Shabbat Shalom