Chef Cardie Mortimer

Chef Cardie Mortimer

“There is art therapy out there,
there is pet therapy,
there is music therapy.
Why couldn’t there be something called ‘culinary therapy?’”

Thus began the mission that now brings Chef Cardie Mortimer to JSDD’s WAE Center and the WAE Beyond Members’ Club to share his enlightening, funny, emotional message about enjoying life and living every day to the fullest. He uses his 30+ years of professional culinary experience, as well as an acting background, to entertain and engage the audience while serving a delicious meal. Chef Cardie will serve a healthy delicious soup, along with a mouth-watering dessert.
(Kosher dietary laws observed.)

Sunday, April 15, 1 – 3 pm
270 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange  NJ 07052

$5 suggested minimum donation per person at the door
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED so please respond to
by Tuesday, April 10, with your name, contact information, and the number of people your party.