Virtual Shabbat – Tu Be’av – Friday, August 12th, 2022

The Shabbat celebration was back online this week. The gathering began with lots of singing of songs in both English and Hebrew. Todd and Daniel performed the blessings of both the challah and the grape juice.


Hagit, JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator, taught the participants about Tu Be’Av which is the holiday of love in Israel. The holiday started this year on August 11th at sundown and ends on the 12th at sundown. It is very similar to Valentine’s Day. Those who observe Tu Be’Av celebrate their deep connection to G-d, their connection with others and use the holiday as a time to reflect and soul search in preparation for the upcoming High Holidays.  It is also a time for forgiveness and making amends with those we may have hurt.


After learning about the holiday, some of the participants shared their thoughts and feelings. Todd said that love, for him means having a deep connection with G-d. Stacy C. shared that she thinks love means being kind and respectful to others and said it is important to love and be kind to yourself. Daniel said love, for him means displaying grace, dignity, and respect. Alicia let everyone know she loves her parents and just had a wonderful visit with them and is already looking forward to seeing them at Thanksgiving. Todd added how much he loved seeing everyone in person last week at The Friendship Circle Fabulous Friday Shabbat Celebration.


In the torah portion this week, Vaetchanan, Moses reminds the Israelites how important it is to uphold the Ten Commandments and to say the Shema and Ve’ahavta prayers.

There was a lot to learn and discuss this week, it was a fantastic Shabbat!