Zoom Shabbat Celebration – Friday, April 16, 2021

Weekly Shabbat observances continue via Zoom for the JSDD residences and guests, continually hosted by Hagit Oren, Judaic Coordinator.  Sabbath begins at sundown every Friday and is completed at nightfall on Saturday. The illumination of the candle-lighting ceremony with the prayer recited by Rachel this week, welcomed Shabbat into JSDD’s homes. Kevin recited the Kiddush over the grape juice which sanctifies the Sabbath.  Hagit had the group come together and recite the Hamotzi (blessing over bread).

Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel Independence Day which fell on April 14 & 15th this year was included within Hagit’s teachings this week.  This celebration commemorates the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948.  Jewish people celebrate the day with fireworks, barbecues, and public events.  Delicious food is eaten such as falafel, hummus, pita, and Israeli salad.  Hagit spoke about peace in the context of Israel’s Independence and then emphasized that we can each find peace from within ourselves and through friendship and positive thoughts and energy in our interactions with others.  Respect for our differences leads to acceptance and acknowledgement of shared values.

Shabbat songs ended the weekly gathering. Shabbat Shalom!