Zoom Shabbat Friday, August 6, 2021

The JSDD family came together to observe Shabbat via Zoom.  Every week the participants are delighted to see each other on their computer screens while sharing warm Sabbath wishes among themselves.

The weekly lighting of the candles and reciting the prayer was done together by Stacey and Jill as they covered their eyes and made wishes silently.  Aaron made Kiddush – blessing over grape juice and then proceeded to recite the Hamotzi – blessing over the challah.

Hagit Oren, JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator taught Parashat Shoftim, which is when Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice.  Participants talked about how to express justice for others, and Todd shared that we could give Tzedakah (charity) to help those in need. 

The gathering concluded with the singing of songs and wishes of Shabbat Shalom.  An extra special wish was sent to Jill who has returned to live in a JSDD home among her friends after an extended personal absence.  We are all thrilled to welcome her back.

Shabbat Shalom!