Zoom Shabbat- Friday February 18, 2022

Stacy C. began the Shabbat celebration this week with the blessing over the candles. Daniel and Todd sang the blessings over the grape juice and the challah. Rachel shared that she enjoyed spending time with Stacy, her housemate this week.

The torah portion this week, “Ki Tisa” tells of how Moses was with G-d on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights. During that time, the Israelites start to worry that Moses will not return and look to Aaron. Aaron demands that people bring him gold to make a golden calf. Moses is not happy at all when he returns from Mount Sinai, because the Israelites seem to now be worshipping an idol. In his anger, he smashed the Ten Commandments and G-d inflicts a plague upon the Israelites who were involved in the idolatry. Moses then builds a tent that he will use to meet with G-d.    

The torah portion this week reinforces that nothing and no one in life is perfect and reminds us that we always have a chance to forgive people and to try again. Rachel requested a favorite song of hers “Bim Bam” and everyone enjoyed singing together over Zoom.


Shabbat Shalom!