Zoom Shabbat – Friday, October 29th, 2021

Story by Jessica Goldstein

Everyone was happy to celebrate another Shabbat via Zoom. Together, everyone recited the blessing over the candles. Daniel led the blessing for the grape juice and Stacy C. performed the Hamotzi the blessing over the challah.

This week’s torah portion, Chayei Sarah, Eliezer was looking for kindness. Learning about his search led us to a discussion about acts of kindness. Stacy C. shared that her housemates are planning a birthday dinner this weekend. Todd’s act of kindness was that he called his brother to check on him. Stacy N. shared how grateful she is for her job and to have a day program she enjoys. This celebration was both fun and meaningful to share how small acts of kindness can really make a difference.

The celebration concluded with shabbat songs and wishes for a wonderful week of mitzvot.