Zoom Shabbat Gathering – Friday, June 18, 2021

Zoom Shabbat Gathering – Friday, June 18, 2021


Shabbat Shalom echoed across the Zoom gathering this week as the participants greeted one another.  Each one was thrilled they had the opportunity to see everyone in person at JSDD’s Annual Meeting this past week, which was held  at B’nai Shalom in West Orange in the outdoor tent.  Hagit Oren, Judaic Coordinator, spoke about how acts of kindness help spread the love and positivity to each other, and this was the theme at the Annual Meeting where Ellen Goldner was honored as outgoing president of JSDD. Daniel shared with the group he likes to listen to songs with positive messages of kindness to others. Reinforced by Hagit… “when kindness is real, it demonstrates true consideration and respect for others.”   

Hagit had the group all recite the blessing for lighting the Shabbat Candles, making the Kiddush – blessing over the grape juice and closed with the Hamotzi – blessing over the challah.  Festive songs were sung for Shabbat.

Hagit concluded with sharing a special video of Tim McGraw singing his song Humble and Kind. It is the type of song that evokes emotion of kindness in your heart, which was the lesson of the week.


Shabbat Shalom!