Zoom Shabbat October 15, 2021

Everyone was excited to see each other on Zoom and welcome the Shabbat together. Alicia and Stacy recited the blessing over the Shabbat candles. Todd and Daniel shared the blessing over the grape juice and Mark blessed the challah.

“Lech Lecha” – the Torah portion of the week – highlighted how God said to Abraham to go forth from his homeland to the land that God shall show him. God promised to make of Abraham a big nation and bless him and his name. We learned about Abraham’s journey and his love for his wife Sara.

Stacy shared that she visited the new JSDD office and WAE Center building and she enjoyed the tour of our new home very much. We listened to Shabbat songs in Hebrew and in English and celebrated the togetherness and our time together welcoming the Sabbath.